You haven’t heard from me for a week because I’m on vacation, helping out the best I can with our daughter who just delivered twins.  I’ve written new posts for next week. Meanwhile, I’ve checked my website tally of the most viewed posts in July!  So here they are in the order they rank, with one being at the top and five at the bottom.


Three Biggest Leadership Lessons (written last week)

Learning From the Amish (some reflections from our vacation experience)

Visible But Overlooked (non-verbal communication)

An Unavoidable Principle of Leadership  (we reproduce what we are more than what we say)

Valentine’s Day (this still surprises me)


Google AnalyticsI also checked Google Analytics out of curiosity to learn more about the demographics of those reading this blog. I found it interesting to discover the top five countries represented by my readers are: United States, Philippines, United Kingdom, Israel and Canada.

And since, I just completed the first 10 months of this blog, I determined it would be informative to discover which have been the top posts from the very beginning in October 2012. Here they are:

Visible But Overlooked

Valentine’s Day

Fruit Full Faith

What Makes Your Heart Sing?

Inspiring TransforMissional Living

If you find any of these posts helpful, please share them with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter or LinkenIn. Or encourage your friends to subscribe to the email version of the blog.  Have a wonderful weekend!


QUESTION:  Which one out of the Top Five did you find most helpful? Please share it in the comment section.




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