Tag Archives: vision
Who is on your board of directors? Do you even have one? Those questions aren’t just for CEO’s of an organization or a business. They are for all you. Anyone. You may be a leader or not. Do you … Continue reading
While recently reading one of my favorite bloggers, Mark Miller, I was grabbed by something his assistant Teneya said as they were looking forward to increase their impact for 2014. She simply stated, “We’re going to have to decide … Continue reading
It’s been 21,916 days. That calculates out to 3,131 weeks, or 525,984 hours, or over 31 million minutes or about 1.9 billion seconds. And in case you aren’t a math wizard, I’m simply talking about the 60 years and … Continue reading
What would you rather be remembered for, being persistent or tenacious? Have you thought about the difference between them? Which is preferable for leadership? I know which one I want to be known for. Think about it. Persistence is … Continue reading
You know them. Maybe you are one of them. The one who loves to be the first to clap at the conclusion of a great song or when the speaker makes a powerful point in her presentation. Some love … Continue reading
Dan Black writes in his newly released book, The Leadership Mandate, “The foundation for positive influence is based on your ability to successfully lead and manage yourself.” I agree. I completely agree. The greatest leadership challenge I have is self-leadership. … Continue reading
It’s a year ago today that I launched this blog to inspire transformissional living in others! I’m humbled and blessed because you’ve shared how my writing has inspired and kept you on mission. I’m encouraged by the wide age-range … Continue reading
Leadership isn’t for the faint-hearted. It will test what you are made of. It can look easy when someone else is doing it, but leadership requires perseverance, tenacity, determination and grit. Every successful leader has faced obstacles, challenges and … Continue reading
A top characteristic of admired leaders is their vision. A visionary is able to see beyond the busy mundane activities of today. A visionary can paint a picture of the future that will create interest and passion in others. … Continue reading
As a leader who is passionate about developing younger leaders, I often think about the most important things that I want to pass on and impart to emerging leaders. In my experience, there are certain leadership qualities that attract … Continue reading