Tag Archives: transformissional
If you were to stand before a couple thousand folks and speak after a week like this past one, what would you say? What would you talk about? Savage bomb blasts at the finish line of an iconic Boston … Continue reading
If you’re trading in the ultimate for the immediate, then you will never reach the highest potential you were created for. The choice between the ultimate and immediate is always a challenge for both leaders and followers. It will … Continue reading
In the 1987 movie, “The Untouchables,” Sean Connery (playing Jim Malone) and Kevin Costner (playing Elliot Ness) are talking about how to take down the legendary gangster Al Capone. Sean Connery says, “What are you prepared to do?” Kevin … Continue reading
One of the most common complaints that I hear about churches and people who attend them is, “They are all a bunch of hypocrites.” As a long-time pastor, I agree. We all have some hypocrisy in our lives. It’s … Continue reading
“If you don’t have integrity, that’s all that matters. If you do have integrity, that’s all that matters.” Those words by Craig Groeschel in his book, Altar Ego, say it best. In my 34 years of leadership, I can’t … Continue reading
“Never again” is a statement of regret, remorse, and lament. We use it to talk about foods we’ve tried, experiences we’ve had, places we’ve visited, relationships we’ve endured and more. Today, I use it to speak of an unimaginably horrific … Continue reading
What do you think is the most valuable land in the whole world? A diamond mine in South Africa? An oilfield in the Middle East? An island in the South Pacific? You really don’t have to be an expert … Continue reading
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Skydiving? Bungee jumping? Moving to your dream location? Quitting your job and starting a new business that you’ve been thinking about for years? Trying a new hobby? Travelling to a far … Continue reading
Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “We do not quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing.” I totally agree. My granddaughters (ages 7 and 3) can play for hours and hours. Grandpa is worn out … Continue reading
How do you gauge your humility level without becoming prideful? Is it possible to notice the growth of humility in your life and yet not become boastful? Can you be proud of your humility? Or is there such a … Continue reading