Tag Archives: questions
Where do you expect God to show up? In a church? In a synagogue? In nature? Out on a boat? On a golf course? In a quiet moment of self-reflection? I listened to a podcast while out walking the other … Continue reading
My daily sunrise routine includes walking 2 miles in my neighborhood while listening to podcasts or book summaries, enjoying the beauty of God’s sky-painting, reflecting on my life and my relationships and praying for others. A recent podcast got my attention. It … Continue reading
This is a slightly edited version of a weekly “Chaplain’s Chat” that I did recently for the employees of Cape Coral Police Department where I serve as Lead Chaplain — Dennis You don’t have to be a police officer or … Continue reading
As a used-to-be regular at the same gym for a dozen years or more, I always got amused (and truthfully) even annoyed during the first weeks of each new year. The cross-trainers, stair-steppers and treadmills were occupied. The weight … Continue reading
Asking great questions is a critical key to excellent conversation and fruitful communication. Great questions create a connection that keeps the dialogue focused, intentional and moving toward greater clarity and understanding. However, the kind of questions you ask will … Continue reading
Are you trying to become a better listener? One essential skill for better listening is learning the art of asking great questions. When you are in a conversation and you ask questions, it helps you stay in a listening … Continue reading
If you ask a roomful of people, especially leaders, “How many of you have ever had training to help you listen?” Usually only a few hands will go up. Those who have majored in counseling or communication are generally … Continue reading