Tag Archives: perseverance
This past week marked the 35th year of an adventure that started with the arrival of our chock-full rental truck, three young children and a God-sized vision for a new church in a new city. Milestones are a great time for reflections … Continue reading
I’m incredibly blessed. Blessed beyond all measure. A fully funded four-month sabbatical. A time to rest, recharge, reconnect and retool. Multiple times every single day, I make mental notes of things I could be writing about in this blog. … Continue reading
Leadership isn’t for the faint-hearted. It will test what you are made of. It can look easy when someone else is doing it, but leadership requires perseverance, tenacity, determination and grit. Every successful leader has faced obstacles, challenges and … Continue reading
As a leader who is passionate about developing younger leaders, I often think about the most important things that I want to pass on and impart to emerging leaders. In my experience, there are certain leadership qualities that attract … Continue reading
It’s almost Father’s Day weekend again! A year ago, I was on a fourteen hour three-leg “red-eye” flight from Florida to Oregon to be with my dad. After speaking with him by phone nearly every day during his month-long … Continue reading
Napoleon Hill said, “Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” Are you as good at procrastinating as I am? What is it that you … Continue reading