Tag Archives: God

I’ve heard that descriptive statement time and time again the last dozen years or more.  “I’m not wired that way.”  It is often said in response to me answering a question about my current role on the staff of the church that … Continue reading

Thirty-five years ago, (April 19, 1987 on Easter Sunday) my wife Linda and I had the privilege of being spiritual mid-wives. We helped God birth one of His churches, Cape Christian. Along with two other couples, we locked our arms in a … Continue reading

I’m a pastor and a chaplain.  For over four decades, I’ve been praying for people.  I’ve prayed for people when they are distraught, angry, hurt, sick or struggling. I’ve prayed with people who are grateful, happy and rejoicing about their circumstances. My … Continue reading

Where do you expect God to show up? In a church? In a synagogue? In nature? Out on a boat? On a golf course? In a quiet moment of self-reflection? I listened to a podcast while out walking the other … Continue reading

Remember Chinese drywall from about a decade ago?  It was hard to detect for a while.  Air conditioning units that corroded and were replaced a few times, coughing and congestion, smells that were hard to nail down, copper wiring that turned black … Continue reading

In 1986, I started an organization that has been in almost constant flux for over three decades.  Some love it.  Others abhor it.  I’ve often told those who were having a difficult time adjusting, the one sure thing you can count on at Cape … Continue reading

A few years ago, I heard three statements that got my attention: Mature people can disagree without being disagreeable.  Mature people can learn to have unity without uniformity. Mature people can walk hand in hand without seeing eye to eye. … Continue reading

This is new territory for all of us.  Unexpected, unplanned, uncertain, unpredictable—all are words that describe my feelings about this new reality created by COVID-19.  Especially for those of us who are in public service, medical care, business or ministry leadership… we … Continue reading

This is an exceptional time in history.  The COVID-19 virus has entire countries paralyzed, borders shut, flights cancelled, businesses closed, people confined to their homes.  I spoke with a friend from Germany this morning and he told me 650 people died in … Continue reading

  This week was special. I have received hundreds of congratulatory social media comments, some text messages, a newspaper interview and many personal compliments.  On Tuesday, I received a significant local award—The Elmer Tabor Generosity Award.  Here is what it represents: “The … Continue reading

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