Tag Archives: God

  The Hebrew Scriptures include these incredible lines from a psalm written by King David: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm … Continue reading

Several years ago when I first read John Elderedge’s book “Wild at Heart,” a couple sentences really grabbed my attention. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the … Continue reading

  As a pastor and a police chaplain, every week I’m comforting someone who is facing the reality that we are all terminal. I prayed with two cops yesterday – one whose 62 year old mother died of a heart … Continue reading

  On Thanksgiving Day and most days across America and around the world, people pause while the food is steaming hot, join hands around the table, and give thanks. Sometimes, we call it, “Saying grace.” It might be a memorized … Continue reading

  Ancient scriptures instruct us to be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. It turns out that our Creator knows exactly how He created our bodies to thrive in modern times. There is scientific evidence that counting your blessings produces multiplied … Continue reading

  To live a life of significance, it’s mission critical that you evaluate and understand three areas of your life. Halftime leader, Lloyd Reeb calls them the three C’s: Core, Capacity and Context. The more you understand your core, your … Continue reading

  Recently, while spending time with Lloyd Reeb (Author of Success to Significance) and a dozen guys who were exploring what it means to live a life of significance, he said something that got my attention. It wasn’t a new … Continue reading

  I learned something new about my friend Dr. Jerry Clevenger when we were together over the weekend. He took a .380 hollow-point bullet to his chest. Predictably, it changed his life! Jerry was on the only path he knew to prosperity—climbing the … Continue reading

  Everyone’s life is driven by something. Some are driven by guilt. Many people are driven by resentment and anger. I know people who are driven by fear. Others are driven by the desire to acquire. And, quite a few … Continue reading

  Do you have any idea what Ronald Regan, Colonel Sanders, Grandma Moses, Jack Cover, Tony Hostetler and Laura Ingalls Wilder all have in common? It could be that they all eat chicken. But, that’s not what I’m talking about. … Continue reading

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