Tag Archives: faith

  It’s a lie. Absolutely not true. The rhyme I heard on the playground in elementary school is simply false. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Nothing could be further from the truth. … Continue reading

  Dan Black writes in his newly released book, The Leadership Mandate, “The foundation for positive influence is based on your ability to successfully lead and manage yourself.” I agree. I completely agree. The greatest leadership challenge I have is self-leadership. … Continue reading

  It’s a year ago today that I launched this blog to inspire transformissional living in others! I’m humbled and blessed because you’ve shared how my writing has inspired and kept you on mission. I’m encouraged by the wide age-range … Continue reading

  One of the things I love to instill in young developing leaders is the dance of finding good balance in life. Just as every style of physical dancing takes astonishing balance, likewise balance is critical in the dance of … Continue reading

  Leadership isn’t for the faint-hearted. It will test what you are made of. It can look easy when someone else is doing it, but leadership requires perseverance, tenacity, determination and grit. Every successful leader has faced obstacles, challenges and … Continue reading

  Sometimes you get to see your legacy, sometimes not. As a pastor for 34 years, people have come and gone. Sometimes you see the spiritual legacy of transformation from your ministry influence. Occasionally, you wonder if you have really … Continue reading

  You haven’t heard from me for a week because I’m on vacation, helping out the best I can with our daughter who just delivered twins.  I’ve written new posts for next week. Meanwhile, I’ve checked my website tally of … Continue reading

  There are tons of smart people in the world. Books, videos and consultants are available on nearly every topic. Google can find you any information you need. But where do you find wisdom and get access to it? I’ve discovered … Continue reading

  Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” We love births. We love birthdays. We celebrate them every year. That birth date is … Continue reading

  While at a recent family reunion in the heart of the world’s largest Amish community in Ohio, I had an opportunity most tourists to the area would pay big money to experience. We had dinner in an Amish home … Continue reading

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