Category Archives: Spiritual
What do you think is the most valuable land in the whole world? A diamond mine in South Africa? An oilfield in the Middle East? An island in the South Pacific? You really don’t have to be an expert … Continue reading
Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “We do not quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing.” I totally agree. My granddaughters (ages 7 and 3) can play for hours and hours. Grandpa is worn out … Continue reading
How do you gauge your humility level without becoming prideful? Is it possible to notice the growth of humility in your life and yet not become boastful? Can you be proud of your humility? Or is there such a … Continue reading
During my first ministry experience in Elmira, NY, I always chuckled when I went to the north end of Walnut Street, which was the south gate entrance to the Woodlawn National Cemetery. I wasn’t laughing because Mark Twain was … Continue reading
We’ve established that our physical, emotional and spiritual energy is finite, not unlimited. Just doing life, working and relating to people will drain our energy levels. You can name a ton more specific energy-drainers: financial stress, conflict, internal incongruity, … Continue reading
In our culture, we are most often judged by our accomplishments. People make their assessment of us based on what we’ve done, what we’ve built, what we’ve led, where we have been, the titles we’ve worn and the awards … Continue reading
When I launched this blog in October 2012, the third post was “Bucket List or Ladder List?” It was a blog honoring my brother in-law who changed his address from earthly to eternal exactly one year ago today. In honor … Continue reading
Late the other night, I got a call from the watch commander of our local police department. He was calling me, as the lead chaplain for our department, to find out if I knew how to reach another pastor … Continue reading
Whether you are a marathon runner, a sprinter, a swimmer, a basketball player or any other athlete, you know the importance of finishing well. Winning or losing often comes down to the last hundred yards, the final hundredth of … Continue reading
When I walk through a cemetery, the most important thing on a gravestone is not the dates of birth and death. Forget the two dates. Just concentrate on the space between the two—usually a dash. What does that dash … Continue reading