Napoleon Hill said, “Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” Are you as good at procrastinating as I am? What is it that you are putting off?  What is it you know should have been done—or at least started—a long time ago?

ProcrastinationYour answers to the above question might range from cleaning out the garage or a closet, all the way to doing something bold or daring or risky that you sense God is calling you to do. Or your answer might include forgiving someone who has hurt you or making amends for something you know that you have done to someone. So what is it for you that you tend to procrastinate on?

Cleaning out a garage or a closet is usually as simple as putting it on the calendar and following through with it on the day you’ve scheduled it. The other scenarios—usually not so simple. They are often quite tough to follow through with. The first ones expend physical energy and the last ones require lots of emotional and spiritual energy.

ProcrastinationClockHere’s a scripture that can give us some powerful insight into beginning the journey of facing procrastination of those more difficult undertakings. Hebrews 12:1 says, Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Let me suggest three things from this passage that can help you:

Reach Out to Friends – God-centered, well-grounded friends are invaluable when it comes to helping us get unstuck or dealing with tough things in life. God never meant for us to go through life in isolation. He wants us to lean into our friends when we have to deal with situations or circumstances that are difficult to face. The right kind of friends will offer you wisdom, share their experience, give you encouragement and lift you up in prayer. Humbly reach out and take advantage of the help that God offers us through good friends on the journey.

NowLaterFace the Hindrances – This is going to require honest self-reflection, and being honest with God.  Over time, if you are open and real before God, it is amazing how He will show you what is in the way and what is holding you back.  And then go to Him for the healing, the mercy and forgiveness, the grace that you must first receive in order to go and do what must be done to be free from the hindrances that hold you back.

Persevere  Staying the course, running the race and finishing strong are vital to procrastination.  You must not grow weary but do that which you know needs to be done and follow through with what God is calling you to do!  And when you do preserve, it will always be worth it. The fruit of your hard work pushing on through to the back side will be more rewarding and gratifying than you can ever imagine while you are on the front side.

So, what are you waiting for?


QUESTION: Do you have a story of pushing on through a tough spot to victory? Share below.


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