TopTenThank you for reading, subscribing and sharing my blog over the past year! As 2013 exits and 2014 rolls in, here’s a countdown of the top 10 views over the year.  Maybe one or more of these will be an encouragement as you start your new year!


10. My Blue Fingernails

9. Learning From My Father

8. Four Things to Keep You from Quitting2013

7. How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

6. The Story Behind the Story

5. The Bamboo Principle

4. What Makes Your Heart Sing?

3. Most Admired Leadership Qualities

2. Valentine’s Day

2013-14And now the drum roll…..

1. Visible But Overlooked

Thanks again for all your comments, your suggestions and shares over the past year! I’m very blessed to be fulfilling the purpose God has for me, inspiring transformissional living in others. Have a blessed year.


QUESTION: What was your favorite post this past year? I’d love to know in the Comment section below. Thanks!


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